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[haw-info] HAW Notes
1. The basic Historians Against the War statement, overwhelmingly approved in a ratification vote open to everyone on the "HAW-Info" e-mail list earlier this month, is posted on the HAW web site at Everyone who is in substantial agreement with the statement is invited to fill out a form at the bottom of the web page and become formally a member of HAW. 2. The HAW-sponsored panel discussion at this year's AHA convention, on "The Bush-Cheney Legacy," is now available from Radio Free Maine in various formats (DVD and VHS video, dual audio CD and audiotape cassette). For ordering information contact Roger Leisner, or (207) 242-0643 (cell phone). The five featured speakers were Alice Kessler-Harris, David Montgomery, Vijay Prashad, Ellen Schrecker, and Barbara Weinstein. HAW is also preparing edited versions of the talks in printed form, available later this spring. 3. Larry Wittner, longtime activist in HAW's collaborating organization the Peace History Society, has prepared an abbreviated version (for college classes and general readers, of his scholarly Struggle Against the Bomb trilogy. Entitled Confronting the Bomb: A Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, it will be available in paperback from Stanford University Press ( and from bookstores as of mid-June.
Confronting the Bomb
 Lawrence Wittner, longtime peace historian and peace activist, recently completed an abbreviated version of his award-winning Struggle Against the Bomb trilogy. Entitled Confronting the Bomb: A Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, it provides a very positive portrayal of the role of the world peace movement in curbing the nuclear arms race and preventing nuclear war. Unlike his hefty, massively-footnoted scholarly trilogy, Confronting the Bomb is designed for college courses and general readers. Scheduled for publication in mid-June 2009, it supplies a useful context for what will be stepped-up popular agitation this year and next year for the creation of a nuclear-free world. The book is available in an inexpensive paperback edition from Stanford University Press ( and from bookstores.
[haw-info] New HAW statement approved
Members and Friends of Historians Against the War, Voting has been completed on ratification of the proposed new basic statement of HAW, and the result was 194Yes votes (93%) and 14 No votes, so the statement has been adopted. Many thanks to those who took the time to vote, and to those who provided feedback on an earlier draft of the statement. As a result of the vote, a better-defined category of "members" of HAW has been created. People who find themselves in substantial agreement(broadly defined) with the statement are invited to go to and fill out a four-item form. This web page also has the text of the statement. Those who are currently on the "HAW-Info" list but do not choose to become members of HAW will be kept on the list, for purposes of occasional informational e-mailings, as in the past. Jim O'Brien and Marc Becker co-chairs, Historians Against the War Note: You are receiving this email because you signed a Historians Against the War statement (see If you no longer wish to receive these occasional messages about HAW's work, send an email to _______________________________________________ haw-info mailing list
[haw-info] Reminder: Vote on new HAW statement
Members and friends of Historians Against the War, Just a reminder that the deadline for voting on HAW's new basic statement of unity is this Wednesday, April 15. The new statement is attached below,and is also available on our blog at A YES vote on the new statement is a vote for the following: -- The new statement would supersede the 2003 statement (available at in defining broadly HAW's position. -- It would create a new membership category consisting of people who indicate that they are in substantial agreement (however broadly defined)with the new statement. A list of those who self-identify as HAW members would be maintained for purposes of voting for the Steering Committee and other HAW business. -- Others who choose not to sign, or neglect to sign, would still get informational mailings. A NO vote on the new statement is a vote to retain the 2003 statement as an expression of HAW's identity. If NO votes are in the majority, the new statement will stand as an expression by the Steering Committee, not a basic statement of the organization. If you have not already done so, please vote with a reply to Are you in favor of adopting the following statement as the new basic statement of HAW? (Please mark an X next to one of the following) ___ Yes ___ No Statement by Historians Against the War As historically minded activists, scholars, students, and teachers, we stand opposed to wars of aggression, military occupations of foreign lands, and imperial efforts by the United States and other powerful nations to dominate the internal life of other countries. In particular, we continue to demand a speedy end to US military involvement in Iraq, and we insist on the withdrawal, not the expansion,of US and NATO military forces in Afghanistan. We also call for a sharp reduction of US military bases overseas, and an end to US financial and military support of regimes that repress their people, or that occupy the territories of other peoples. We favor as well a drastic redirection of national resources away from military spending and toward urgently needed domestic programs. We deplore the secrecy, deception, and distortion of history, the repeated violation of international law, and the attack on civil liberties domestically that have accompanied US policies of war and militarism—policies that became especially belligerent in the aftermath of September 11. We fear that the current, rapidly escalating crisis of global capitalism, which is creating suffering worldwide, will lead to escalating wars abroad and intensifying repression at home. We support solutions to this crisis that seek to enrich the lives and increase the power of people globally,and protect their fundamental human rights. We are unalterably opposed to any attempts to solve the crisis at their expense. We are aware that, in the words of the late historian William Appleman Williams, "empire as a way of life" has long characterized the United States and is not easily changed. However, we are mindful as well that the current conjunction of international and domestic crises offers an opportunity to alter longstanding destructive patterns. As historians, we br>believe that we can and must make a contribution to the broad, international movements for peace, democracy, and environmental and social justice. In pursuing our objectives, we look toward building and joining alliances with a wide variety of intellectual and activist groups that share our concerns. Note: You are receiving this email because you signed a Historians Against the War statement (see If you no longer wish to receive these occasional messages about HAW's work, send an email to _______________________________________________ haw-info mailing list
[haw-info] Vote on new HAW statement
To members and friends of Historians Against the War, The HAW Steering Committee has endorsed a new basic statement for HAW, which would replace the 2003 statement that focused on ending the occupation of Iraq. The proposed new statement appears at the end of this message. We are grateful to all those who gave feedback on a draft of this statement. We are submitting the final statement for ratification by people who are on our "HAW-Info" email list. This is the same process we use to elect HAW's Steering Committee every year. A YES vote on the new statement is a vote for the following: -- The new statement would supersede the 2003 statement (available at in defining broadly HAW's position. -- It would create a new membership category consisting of people who indicate that they are in substantial agreement (however broadly defined) with the new statement. A list of those who self-identify as HAW members would be maintained for purposes of voting for the Steering Committee and other HAW business. -- Others who choose not to sign, or neglect to sign, would still get informational mailings. A NO vote on the new statement is a vote to retain the 2003 statement as an expression of HAW's identity. If NO votes are in the majority, the new statement will stand as an expression by the Steering Committee, not a basic statement of the organization. Please vote on this statement by April 15 by replying to This new statement is posted on our blog, and those who so wish can discuss it at Are you in favor of adopting the following statement as the new basic statement of HAW? (Please mark an X next to one of the following) ___ Yes ___ No Statement by Historians Against the War
As historically minded activists, scholars, students, and teachers, we stand opposed to wars of aggression, military occupations of foreign lands, and imperial efforts by the United States and other powerful nations to dominate the internal life of other countries. In particular, we continue to demand a speedy end to US military involvement in Iraq, and we insist on the withdrawal, not the expansion, of US and NATO military forces in Afghanistan. We also call for a sharp reduction of US military bases overseas, and an end to US financial and military support of regimes that repress their people, or that occupy the territories of other peoples. We favor as well a drastic redirection of national resources away from military spending and toward urgently needed domestic programs. We deplore the secrecy, deception, and distortion of history, the repeated violation of international law, and the attack on civil liberties domestically that have accompanied US policies of war and militarism—policies that became especially belligerent in the aftermath of September 11. We fear that the current, rapidly escalating crisis of global capitalism, which is creating suffering worldwide, will lead to escalating wars abroad and intensifying repression at home. We support solutions to this crisis that seek to enrich the lives and increase the power of people globally, and protect their fundamental human rights. We are unalterably opposed to any attempts to solve the crisis at their expense. We are aware that, in the words of the late historian William Appleman Williams, "empire as a way of life" has long characterized the United States and is not easily changed. However, we are mindful as well that the current conjunction of international and domestic crises offers an opportunity to alter longstanding destructive patterns. As historians, we believe that we can and must make a contribution to the broad, international movements for peace, democracy, and environmental and social justice. In pursuing our objectives, we look toward building and joining alliances with a wide variety of intellectual and activist groups that share our concerns.
[haw-info] HAW contingent for Wall Street march this Saturday, April 4