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Thursday, December 23, 2010

[haw-info] HAW Notes (including links to recent articles of interest)

Here are some notes in the unlikely event that anyone has time to read them!  Best wishes for the holidays from the Historians Against the War Steering Committee. 

1.  The HAW Steering Committee has endorsed a petition initiated by the revived Students for a Democratic Society protesting FBI raids directed this fall against antiwar organizers in Chicago, Minneapolis, and other cities.  The petition is for signing by "professors and academics" only; it is at http://www.stopfbi.net/petition/dear-colleague/professors-and-academics, along with background on the FBI's actions.

2.  The Peace History Society will hold its biennial national conference, to be held October 21-22 at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida.  The call for papers is at http://www.peacehistorysociety.org/phs2011.


Links to Recent Articles of Interest


"The Letter from Aghan Experts to Barack Obama"


By 22 writers and analysts with specific expertise on Afghanistan, The Telegraph, posted December 21


"No More Afghanistans"


By William Astore, Huffington Post, posted December 20

The author, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonrel, teaches history at Pennsylvania College of Technology


"The Great Islamophobic Crusade"


By Max Blumenthal, TomDispatch.com, posted December 19


"The Witch Hunt Against Assange Is Turning into an Extremely Dangerous Assault on Journalism Itself"


By Robert Parry, AlterNet.org, posted December 17


"Empire Unmasked"


By Vijay Prashad, CounterPunch.org, posted December 15

The author teaches South Asian history at Trinity College


"Richard Holbrooke Represented the Worst Side of the Foreign Policy Establishment"


By Stephen Zunes, Huffington Post, posted December 16


"The Nuclear Freeze and Its Impact"


By Lawrence S. Wittner, Arms Control Today, December issue

The author is a professor of history emeritus at SUNY Albany


"Why Are Wars Not Being Reported Honestly?"


By John Pilger, Antiwar.com, posted December 10


"Afghanistan: Land of the Unvanquished"


By Patrick Cockburn, The Independent, posted December 8

This article compares the Soviet and US experiences in Afghanistan.



Suggestions for these lists can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com


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