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Thursday, August 25, 2016

[haw-info] HAW Notes 8/25/16: anti-blacklist petition; US interventions; links to recent articles of interest

Miscellaneous Notes

1. Several hundred faculty members have signed a petition condemning the anonymous website Canary Mission, which maintains and publicizes a blacklist of students who have acted in any way to support Palestinian rights. You can click here for more information and a form for signing the petition, 

2. Zoltan Grossman of Evergreen State College has an extensive annotated listing of US military interventions from 1890 to 2014.

3. The link for the new issue of the Peace History Society's semi-annual on-line Newsletter was omitted by mistake in the last HAW e-mailing. It's at this address.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

"No Need to Build the Donald's Wall, It's Built"

By Todd Miller, TomDispatch.com, posted August 23


"Does Henry KissingerHave a Conscience?"

By Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, posted August 20

On the files released by the National Security Archive (see below) on Argentina's "dirty war"


"US War Crimes or 'Normalized Deviance'"

By Nicolas J. S. Davies, Consortium News, posted August 15

On the evolution of US war tactics in recent decades


"Monsters to Destroy:Top 7 Reasons the US Could Not Have Forestalled Syrian Civil War"

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted August 12

The author teaches history at the University of Michigan.


"'DeclassifiedDiplomacy': Argentina"

By the National Security Archive, posted August 11

1,078 pages of Carter administration files on human rights abuses in Argentina, including the efforts of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to defend the military junta


"The Decay ofAmerican Politics: An Ode to Ike and Adlai"

By Andrew J. Bacevich, TomDispatch.com, posted August 4, 2016

The author is a professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University.


"The Myth of Trump'sAlternative Worldview"


By John Feffer, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted August 3


"On Trade, OurChoices Aren't Only Between Xenophobic Nationalism or Neoliberal GlobalGlobalization"

By Leon Fink, In These Times, posted August 2

The author teaches history at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


"The Costs and Consequences of Managing RogueStates"

By Paul Pillar, The National Interest, posted July 28


"There's NothingUn-American about Donald Trump"

By Greg Grandin, The Nation, July 22

The author teaches history at New York University.

Suggestions for this occasional set of article links can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.


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