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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

[haw-info] Call for candidates for the HAW Steering Committee

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,

In a few weeks we will conduct e-mail voting for members of the HAW
Steering Committee. The Steering Committee, elected once a year, makes
decisions for HAW in between the annual meetings at the AHA. Aside from
one face-to-face meeting in the summer, the SC conducts business through
e-mail and occasional conference calls.

Eligibility to run, and to vote, will depend on being a member of HAW at
the time of the actual election. Membership is open to anyone who is in
"substantial agreement" (self-defined) with new defining statement and
wants to be considered a member. The statement, and an on-line form for
joining, are on the HAW home page at

If you would like to run (and we encourage you to consider it) or if you
would like to nominate someone, let us know.

If you are nominating yourself, please send a brief description, using
the template at the end of this message, by January 31 to the co-chairs
Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org <mailto:marc@yachana.org>) and Jim O'Brien
(jimobrien48@gmail.com <mailto:jimobrien48@gmail.com>). If you are
nominating someone else, please send us the name and e-mail address
sooner so we can contact them and see if they are willing.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to either of us with

Thank you,

Marc Becker and Jim O'Brien
current co-chairs of the HAW Steering Committee

Nomination Form:




Historical Specialization:

Political Background:

Reason for Running:

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